Pew Update

Our congregation has truly been blessed. For a while we have been talking about our aging pews and the need to replace them. Last year we bought some chairs to replace a few pews that needed to be removed. The Vision Committee has done research that only reiterated what we expected, new pews would probably cost us over 25 thousand.

The Lord blessed us with an opportunity this year. Our brothers and sisters in Christ down in New London are in the process of remodeling their worship space this summer. They no longer needed their pews and were planning on getting rid of them on their demolition day back in April. We are thankful that they reached out to us and gave us many of their old pews!

Their pews were meant for a larger worship space so during the past few months several skilled members of our congregation have been giving their time and talent to resize the pews. Slowly but surely the new pews have been replacing our old ones. Soon, this process will be complete. Thank you to all those who have helped with this project!

Summer Camp 2024

Thank you to everyone who came to, or helped with our Summer Camp! We had a ton of fun!

A huge thank you to Grace Sugar Bush, who ran the event with us. Your teamwork and aid were greatly appreciated and noticed.

This year we had over 20 kids come for our Olympic themed event. The day was filled with crafts, sports, experiments, snacks, music, and God’s Word. Campers each got a water bottle engraved with their name on it. Friday we had a meal for the families.

Confirmation 2024

During the service on Sunday, May 5th, Pastor Rothfuss confirmed 2 confirmation students. After years coming Wednesday nights to study God’s Word, and after showing to the congregation that they have studied and learned it, Brynnlee and Andrew were confirmed in the faith and took their first Communion.

Brynnlee Joshua 1:9

Have I not commanded you?

Be strong and courageous.

Do not be afraid; 

do not be discouraged, 

for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.


Andrew 1 Corinthians 16:14

Do everything in love.

Holy Week 2024

See the heart and core of Christian faith. Join us for Holy Week as we watch the long foretold sacrifice that makes us right with God. Christ, true God and true man came to rescue us so that we would spend eternity with Him. Visit us for these special worship opportunities, we would love to meet you.

March 21st Palm Sunday

9am worship service

March 28th Holy Thursday

6:30pm worship with Holy Communion

March 29th Good Friday

1pm Service at the Cross

6:30pm Service of Darkness

March 31st The High Festival of Easter

7am Hymn Sing Sunrise Service

9am Festival Service

Remembering Pastor Ryan Schlicht: a legacy of faith

Ten years ago was a challenging year for our church family.  In 2012 a young Seminary graduate, Ryan Schlicht, was assigned to serve here at St Paul Clintonville.  This young pastor worked to strengthen the ministry here.  He started our church’s website, he created the church’s Facebook page to be able to better connect with each other, and he began posting sermon videos online. Many of Pastor Schlicht’s sermons are still posted online, you can find them at  Pastor Schlicht also made sure to have many faith-building opportunities here, like book club and VBS.  Ryan loved the Lord and is known for having put a sign that simply said “Jesus” by the door he went through to start each service. 

In 2014, Pastor Schlicht was diagnosed with an illness that soon took his life.  Ask anyone who was around our church at that time and when they think of Pastor Schlicht, they speak with confidence of the example he gave.  Pastor Schlicht trusted the Lord.  His final weeks were a beautiful and powerful sermon on that trust.  While we mourn for the loss of a pastor, a friend, and a minister for the Church, we rejoice that we knew him.  Pastor Schlicht’s legacy lives on here through those he impacted and who were encouraged in faith by him.  2014 was a very challenging year that the Spirit used to strengthen the faith of the believers here.

Pastor Schlicht left behind his wife Stacey, who was pregnant at the time, and their one year old daughter, Adeline.  After his passing, Stacey moved to the Milwaukee area. 

As a church family, we want to remember Pastor Schlicht, especially this year.  We are planning on doing this in 2 ways. 

·         Firstly, we will make some blank cards that you can take and write a message for the Schlicht family.  Let them know that they are not forgotten.  At the end of February, we will send them to the Schlicht family.  If you won’t be able to write a card here, you can email a message to and we will include it.

·         Secondly, we will be taking a free-will offering for the education of young Adeline and Gabriel.  If you so choose to give, please bring it or send it to church by the end of February.  We will place a special box for collecting these offerings in the narthex/gathering area.  You can also give using your normal offering envelopes.  Label any offering given for this special purpose as “Schlicht” on your envelopes. 

If you have any questions about this, please talk with Bob Petermann or Chuck Schowalter.  Please have the cards and/or free-will offering brought to the church by the last Sunday of February 2024, February 25th. 

Lent 2024

The church season of Lent begins February 14, 2024.  During the season of Lent there will be extra opportunities to prepare our hearts as our hearts journey to the cross.  Join us for these Wednesday services starting February 14th.  Each week the schedule we be as follows:


                At 5pm there will be Catechism class in the basement

                At 6pm there will be a shared meal, please join us!

At 7pm we will join our hearts in meditation of Christ’s Passion


If you can’t make it Wednesday night, join Pastor Rothfuss as he leads the service on Thursday at Grace in Sugar Bush.  The Thursday services start at 6:30pm.


Ash Wednesday marks 40 days before Easter (the early church excluded counting the Sundays in Lent since every Sunday is a mini-Easter celebration).  We will mark the start of Lent this year with a very special worship opportunity.  The service will balance the Law and the Gospel as we are reminded of our sin, that which separates us from God, and Christ, our Savior.  This will be a special service that will include the Sacrament of Holy Communion. 

The Wednesdays following Ash Wednesday our services will be focused on baptism.

Week 1: A Sacrament, not a Sign

Week 2: A Great Power and a Greater Gift

Week 3: Baptism Is Needed by All

Week 4: The Right Tool for This Job

Week 5: Reliving Your Baptism Every Day