The Fourth Sunday of Advent
Sunday, December 22nd at 9am
Come and see what the kids have been preparing! The Sunday School children will help with the service in many ways including with some songs they have been working on. Come and join us for this, and don’t forget to thank the kids for all of their work in sharing God’s Word!
Christmas Eve
Tuesday, December 24th at 1pm
Join us for an afternoon in the Word. Let us share in the joy of the shepherds as they first heard the divine message. This service has some strong Christmas hymns and treasured readings. The choir has prepared a special piece for this service.
Tuesday, December 24th at 8pm
Come to our special candlelight service! We’ll celebrate Christmas through readings and carols. We’ve planned some beloved hymns for this service that reflect the true joy and message of Christ’s coming. Carols by candlelight is such a special thing, and this year we will have enough candles for everyone! We will even have some battery operated candles for kids.
Christmas Day
Wednesday, December 25th at 9am
Celebrate God’s gift to His fallen creation! Christ took on flesh to be the sacrifice that makes us right with God! Moses once asked the Great I Am to show him His glory. God could not let sinful eyes see His face because God is holy… that same God was veiled in flesh in that manger. True God yet true man! This service will feature many beloved Christmas hymns we haven’t sung this season.
The First Sunday After Christmas
Sunday, December 29th at 9am
Our normal worship service will consider Christ as the young boy going to His Father’s house. I just wanted to make sure it was on our little calendar here.
New Year's Eve
Tuesday, December 31st at 7pm
Prepare for the new year with the Word. New Years is always a good time to reflect on the last year and really where we are in our life (from our perspective). This year on New Year’s Eve we will consider Hebrews 11, a chapter some call the “Hall of Fame” of faith. No matter where you are in your life, there is a character, a real person redeemed by God, in this chapter who you can relate to and be encouraged by! And as your life changes, other heroes of faith will resonate with you. Join us as we consider these heroes of faith and God's grand plans. During the service we will also celebrate Holy Communion. As the hymn says, “Rejoice! Rejoice! With thanks embrace, another year of grace!”