Church Council 2025

At our January Voter Meeting, there were several changes made to our Church Council. Firstly, we changed the Evangelism Coordinator, Youth Coordinator, and Education Coordinator to be non-Council positions. The impact of this change will make serving in these roles more accessible. These roles can be filled by any member, they do not need to attend the quarterly Council meetings, and the minimum term length is one year. These changes will allow potential leaders to be that position and try it out before they commit to serving longer (Council positions have a 3 year term length). Since they are not required for the Council meetings, this removes another obstacle that prevents some from serving. These positions are appointed by the Elders and will work with both the Elders and Pastor as they carry out their duties.

During the meeting we also took nominations and elected several new positions. Below is the list of our Church Council for 2025.

President Tom G  

Vice President Aaron W

Secretary Glenn M

Treasurer Chuck S

Elder Austin R, Bob P, Jon L

Trustee Kelly Z, Nick B, Rob V

Pastor Pastor Caleb Rothfuss