Our congregation has truly been blessed. For a while we have been talking about our aging pews and the need to replace them. Last year we bought some chairs to replace a few pews that needed to be removed. The Vision Committee has done research that only reiterated what we expected, new pews would probably cost us over 25 thousand.
The Lord blessed us with an opportunity this year. Our brothers and sisters in Christ down in New London are in the process of remodeling their worship space this summer. They no longer needed their pews and were planning on getting rid of them on their demolition day back in April. We are thankful that they reached out to us and gave us many of their old pews!
Their pews were meant for a larger worship space so during the past few months several skilled members of our congregation have been giving their time and talent to resize the pews. Slowly but surely the new pews have been replacing our old ones. Soon, this process will be complete. Thank you to all those who have helped with this project!