Lent Is Here. Walk with Us.


Lent is here.

Lent is a time Christians set aside every year to ponder the depth of God’s mercy for sinners like us. We do that by taking a hard look at our sins so we understand all that needs to be paid for. Then we follow Jesus through all his sufferings and death to understand all that was done to save us. The end result? We appreciate God even more, we cling to our Savior, and we can’t stop saying thank you for all he has done for us. We would love for you to join us in this ancient time of reflection, repentance, and redemption.


Walk with Us.

In order to help us focus in on these truths, we have special opportunities to meditate on God’s Word. Join us for:

2/17 - 3/24: Wednesday Suppers @ 5:30pm

2/17 - 3/24: Wednesday Services @ 6:30pm

4/1: Maundy Thursday Comm. Service @ 6:30pm

4/2: Good Friday Service @ 6:30pm

4/4: Easter Sunrise Service @ 6:30am

4/4: Easter Breakfast @ 7:30am

4/4: Easter Festival Service @ 9am