Men's Conference Recap

The 2021 Men's Conference is over, but it won't be forgotten anytime soon. During the day we were blessed with amazing presenters leading impactful sessions. We sang our hearts out, as the words reminded us of God's promises and grasped our hearts. We heard the Word preached and applied to our lives. Thank you to all those involved! If you would like to be encouraged and inspired by this event, you can watch the videos or listen to the audio of the presentations and of the devotions Pastor Titus Buelow led (we had 3 Pastor Buelows involved with the conference so I had to include his first name). The archive of materials, videos, and audio files can be found using the link below:

We are especially thankful and grateful to those who helped make the day happen. Thank you Jeanie and Dave Schley along with Lexie for helping take care of the planning, buying, and serving the food. Thank you Todd for your help with the audio. Thank you Greg for helping welcome guests. Thank you to the talented Sara Buelow for recording music for us to use. Most of the piano and organ songs were recordings she skillfully made for us. Thank you Amos Buelow, Pastor Julius Buelow, Pastor Titus Buelow, and Pastor Timothy Buelow for your work on your powerful presentations. You inspired us! Another thank you goes to Pastor Titus Buelow for coordinatizing the worship services and for the powerful devotions you gave us. And in all honesty, thank you for everyone who came and attended or watched online. Without those attending and watching, this event would have been discouraging. Thank you for being the Christian leaders that you are!