Advent Begins Sunday


As I write this message I am still recovering from the feast my family and I were able to have together for our Thanksgiving meal. What a BLESSING it is to be told to slow down and to think about all that we have to be thankful for, especially in such a trying year. When we do, we see just how much we have been given, and even more importantly, we remember who it is who has given us all things, the LORD Almighty. Greatest of all the blessings he gives is his own Son, Jesus Christ. And he gives Him to undeserving sinners like you and me!

As we leave Thanksgiving 2020 behind, we now begin a very important and exciting time of the year, the season of Advent. During the season of Advent, we prepare for the coming of our Savior. It’s about to get very busy as we get closer to Christmas. It always does. Because of that busyness, we risk missing the reason for the season, Jesus Christ being born in Bethlehem -Our Savior coming for us. Advent gives us extra reminders and breaks throughout the month leading up to Christmas to stay focused on Jesus’s birth and what that means for us and for the world.

The second emphasis that Advent helps us prepare for is Jesus’ coming again. One day soon, Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead. He will bring those who believe and trust in Him to Heaven. He will send those who reject or refuse to trust Him to Hell. On that day the world as we know it will be destroyed and in its place He will make a new Heaven and a new Earth. This will be a glorious day for those who are waiting and prepared for Jesus' coming! This will be a terrible and terrifying day for those who forgot about Him or who wanted nothing to do with God. They will get what they asked for. Advent then, is an extremely important season for us to prepare our hearts for Jesus by celebrating Christmas for what it is really all about and keeping ourselves firmly grounded in the Word anticipating his return at any time!

I invite you to join me and the family of believers here at St. Paul on Sunday to begin our Advent season of focusing on the coming of Christ! There are so many distractions and fears all around us. All of us need all the help we can get to stay focused on our Savior and the salvation he alone brings.

  • Start with worship on Sunday at 9am either in-person or live online here.

  • Then pick up a devotional book from church for each day of Advent prepared and graciously given by our college of ministry, Martin Luther College (Or you can find an e-version here).

  • Then join us Wednesday at 6:30pm for our first of 3 midweek Advent services. These are shorter services to give you a breather and some refreshment from the busy week with the Word of God.

  • And finally, pray at home on your own and with your families, reminding yourself and them daily about the peace that came to earth that first Christmas.

God bless your Advent preparations!


Men's Bible Study & Breakfast TOMORROW at 6am. Men, be fed by good food, good company, and the Good Book. I look forward to being built up by you and pray I can do the same for you.

Christmas Decorating TOMORROW beginning at 8am! The more help the better to prepare our church building for Advent and Christmas.

Christmas for Kids NEXT SATURDAY from 9am - 12pm If you would like to have your kids attend, sign up on our website today at If you would like to help, respond to this email or sign up on the sheets in the back of church.

I pray you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I am thankful for you!

In His service,

Pastor Titus Buelow