Give Thanks to the Lord!


Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good and his mercy endures forever. 1 Chronicles 16:34

“What are you thankful for this year?” This is a common question to hear around the dinner table as family and friends gather to celebrate Thanksgiving. Normally, when surrounded by those you love and a table full of food and desserts, it is easy to think of a few things to be thankful for.

But what about this year? Will it be easy to find reasons to give thanks? Some of you are not gathered around a table with those familiar faces you look forward to seeing across from you. Others of you can’t afford the big fancy meal. Others don’t have the time with virtual learning, extra hours at work, and endless arguments and discussions about the world we currently find ourselves in.

Yea, it may be harder than normal to find reasons to give thanks, but, do not mistake your trouble at finding go-to reasons as there being any less reasons for your heart to sing! How can I say that? Because God says this: Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good and his mercy endures forever.

Has our reality changed so much as to make that truth invalid? Absolutely not! God is still good. His mercy still endures forever. You will always have this reason to shout from the mountaintops, “My God is good! He is still merciful to me! Amen!” How do you know that this is still true, even this year? God always keeps his promises. God is never overcome or overwhelmed by evil. He always finds a way in the darkness. Do you remember who was born on Christmas? The impossible child was born, Christ the Lord. He saved you didn’t he? He rose again, remember? He left your sins in the tomb, or have you forgotten?

When you have God, you will always have 10,000 reasons to give thanks. Sure, some things are harder this year. And yet, even in those struggles, God still is good and works good for you (even if you can’t see it). Jesus still loves you. God is still in control. The dawn of righteousness has come and with it the most beautiful sunrise just around the bend.

So… as you sit around the table, alone or together, banquet or tv dinner, homemade pie or candy bar, give thanks to the Lord for he is good. His mercy is yours forever! And besides, you have another 10,000 reasons for your heart to sing. You always will when you have Christ!

Listen to this to remind you of some reasons to give thanks:

Join us tonight for a special Thanksgiving Eve service at 6:30pm in-person at St. Paul or online here.

God bless and keep you and may you have a blessed Thanksgiving!

In His grace,

Pastor Titus Buelow