Happy Thanksgiving and Advent!

We often forget how much we have to be thankful for. It is so easy for us to get caught up thinking about all the things we don't have that we forget the mountains of blessings we have already been given! Let us use this time of thanksgiving to slow down, to take inventory of what we have, and to give thanks to the one who has given us so much more than we deserve!

Come, you thankful people, come; Raise the song of harvest-home.

All be safely gathered in Ere the winter storm begin.

God our maker shall provide For our wants to be supplied.

Come to God’s own temple, come;Raise the song of harvest-home. 613 s.1

I'd love to give thanks to God together with you tonight at our Thanksgiving Eve service at 6:30pm. What a perfect way for us to focus our hearts on the God who has given us all that we have and who continues to give us everything we need. We can also give thanks again for the ultimate sacrifice God made so that we can be called a child of God, the death of his Son! Without that gift, we would never be able to truly enjoy the blessings God has given or know our Heavenly Father through whom they come.

Here are another couple reminders for the days ahead:

Christmas Decorating of the Church - Saturday starting at 8am! Many hands make light work. Lend a hand this Saturday morning to prepare our beautiful church for Advent and Christmas!

Advent Begins this Sunday! Advent is a season dedicated to preparing your heart to celebrate the real reason for the season, that a Savior was born in Bethlehem that first Christmas for the world. Advent is also a time for us to prepare for his coming again one day when this world will end but all those who are sorry for their sins and trust in Jesus as their Savior will live with him forever! So plan to prepare your heart with us in worship each Sunday at 9am and Wednesday at 6:30pm up until Christmas. Each service is unique and will shed light on another way you can focus on what matters most during this busy time of year!

Women's Bible Study - Monday at 1pm! One more day and time change for Women's Bible Study. All ladies, consider joining this awesome group to learn more about how God wants you to live as his daughter in this broken world.

That is all for now. I pray you all drive safe, your Thanksgiving preparations go well, and I hope to see you later today. If not, have a blessed Thanksgiving! I thank God for all of you.

In His grace,
