Mission Festival This Sunday - Nov. 17

Brothers and sisters,

This Sunday, November 17th, we have an amazing opportunity to host one of our Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary professors, Prof. Brad Wordell, to preach and present at our annual Mission Festival!

Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary is our Synod’s last leg of school for training up pastoral candidates to be called into the public ministry. After completing four years at our Synod’s college of ministry, Martin Luther College, men then continue on to WLS for another 4 years of training to receive their Masters of Divinity before being assigned to a congregation like ours! I often explain, when some are surprised that we have an 8 year program for pastors, that if it takes 8 years to be a doctor of the body, why would it be any less to be a doctor of souls? Even after 8 years, our pastors, as well as all who study the Bible, must admit that there is still so much to learn about what God says and how it applies to our lives!

On top of being a professor at our Seminary, Prof. Wordell is also a team member of our Synod’s Pastoral Studies Institute (PSI) which takes our Seminary training and brings it to men interested in the ministry across the globe. This is a very exciting and growing part of what our Seminary does because there is such a hunger for the Word of God taught in its truth and purity in every corner of the globe.

This Sunday at our Mission Festival, hear Prof. Wordell share the beautiful gospel with us in worship. Hear updates and news about our Seminary and the men he is helping to train to go out into our communities, country and around the world to preach and teach the true Word of God. Learn about our Pastoral Studies Institute and the impact it is having around the world of more and more people hearing and believing the gospel! And finally, remember how you are a part of these efforts and our own efforts to share Jesus with our community right here in Clintonville!

I hope that all of you can be here on Sunday to celebrate with Prof. Wordell and one another about our mission at St. Paul to bring the good news of Jesus to our community and to the world. It is a privilege that God calls us his own and it is a joy to see him using us to bring that reality to others like us throughout the world.

Sunday’s Mission Festival Schedule:

  • Worship at 9am

  • Mission Presentation at 10:30am

  • Potluck Meal at 11:30am

May God bless and keep you all. See you in God’s house!

In His grace,

Pastor Buelow

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37-38