Sunday School Kick-Off 2023

Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate and start our Sunday School year. This important part of our ministry is an opportunity to share the praise-worthy deeds of the Lord to the next generation and to train them up in His Word. Starting this week there will be a weekly lesson that is targeted at the younger age groups, so that they can learn and know what God has done for them.

On September 10, 2023 we had a special prayer during the worship service, praying for all Christian education for our youth, at home, at other schools, and especially here. We installed the Sunday School teachers and thanked them for their service. The service closed with hymn 762, Lord, Bless Your Word to All the Young.

1      Lord, bless your Word to all the young;
    let them, your truth possessing,
declare your praise with heart and tongue,
    their faith in Christ confessing.
From birth your firm embrace
has held them in your grace.
Baptized into your name,
redeemed and free from blame,
    as your dear children keep them.


2      When faced with pressure, grief, or pain,
    when Satan comes alluring,
may their baptismal grace remain
    a refuge reassuring.
God’s promises are sure;
his mercy will endure.
They shall not be undone
who trust in Christ alone;
    God is their mighty Father!

After the service the children had a fun event downstairs. They met their teachers and classmates, they worked on memory work, they colored, they heard about Jesus, and they even got tattoos (temporary ones). Following that, our church family shared a meal. What a blessing it is to have all these young ones here!

A huge thank you to all the Sunday School teachers for all the work you are doing to help teach the young ones! You are in our prayers!