Holy Week 2023

Holy Week is at the heart and core of our faith because here we see the pure, undeluded, agape love of God. This week we see Jesus rightly praised. This week we see Jesus willingly and resolutely go to the pain and punishment of the cross. This week we see the weight of our sins. This week we see Jesus, the perfect Lamb of God as the final sacrifice that makes us right with God. This week we see Jesus, who is God, forsaken by God. This week se see Jesus die and be buried. This week we celebrate the Jesus rose, proving His victory and His deity. This week we celebrate that our God has redeemed us, He has paid the price so that we are right with God! Join the emotional roller coaster as we celebrate the greatness of God.

Sunday, April 2nd

Palm Sunday Worship at 9am

Thursday, April 6th

Holy Thursday Service with Communion at 6:30pm

Friday, April 7th

Good Friday Service at the Cross at 1pm and Service of Darkness at 6:30pm

Sunday, April 9th

the High Festival of Easter, Hymn Sing Service at 6:30am, breakfast to follow, Festival Service at 9am