Lutheran Leadership Conference 2023

In January 2023, Pastor Rothfuss and Chuck attended the WELS National Conference on Lutheran Leadership in Chicago. Held at the historic Hilton hotel, this conference brought together leaders from the church to talk about and think about being wise leaders in the church for Christ. Over 1,300 members attended, including a third of all active WELS pastors, students from Lutheran high schools, and an amazing number of lay members.

Over the 3 day conference attendees were able to 5 keynote presentations (presentations for all attendees), another 5 breakout presentations (presentations for small groups, chosen by the attendees), and 3 worship opportunities. One of the worship services included Holy Communion which was given to the 1,300+ attendees and their guests! The conference was an encouragement to those who attended and provided lots of ideas about how we can better serve. A lot of the presentations gave practical changes and efforts different churches have done to improve their ministry. Even if we cannot do exactly the same here, it still shows us that other churches like us have had challenges that they turned into wonderful opportunities. Watch the Lutheran Leadership website (link below) for videos and presentations from the conference.

Find out more or check for resources and updates at their website…

View presentations from the 2020 conference here…

Look for pictures and videos from the conference by searching #lutheranleadership2023