Devotion: September 2022

by: Pastor Rothfuss

A major cause of strife in marriages is talking about finances. What should be done with the money? How much should go in savings each month? What if things are tight? School payments are coming around very soon - are you ready for them? These conversations are not the most fun to have. They can tear families apart, but they need to happen for the sake of the family.

What about those conversations in a church setting? If asked, I'm sure most would use the word "awkward" to describe them. If these conversations are difficult in the home setting with your spouse with whom you agree on many things, how much more difficult with people you may not agree with. In the church setting, the sheer number of opinions goes up exponentially, but those conversations also need to happen for the sake of the congregation.

Where is the best place to have those conversations? From the pulpit? In the church basement? Not at all? While the Bible does not speak about finances abundantly, Paul was not afraid to speak to fellow believers about the importance of giving and supporting. Instead of viewing our giving to God as this "need" that we must do or else the Almighty is going to be mad at us, we should strive to see it as a privilege we have been given to support the gospel ministry and reach those that have not heard the wonderful news that their sins are forgiven in Christ.

These conversations can be awkward. After all, how can you put a number on our thanks to God? How much is enough? The answer is, "whatever you have decided in your heart to give." If, while finances are tight, that number is lower than you'd like it to be, give cheerfully! If, when blessings flow in your life, you are able to give more, give cheerfully! If, like Abel, we come before God with hearts overflowing with thanks, no matter how much it may be, God will love what we have given. God has blessed us all abundantly in our lives even though it may be hard to realize sometimes. We have all we need because the love of Jesus fills us to the point of overflowing. Should our response to the abundant love of Jesus in our lives be an awkward thing to talk about? I pray it isn't. I also pray that we all may be filled with the love of Jesus and abound in good works of giving so that together we can work to seek and save the lost. Amen.