Devotion: An Age

What qualifies as an age? We us the word “age” to describe many things. We grow in age every day, but we celebrate aging one year on our birthday. Periods of history have been described as an age. These ages go on for hundreds or thousands of years. The Bronze Age, for example, is said to have lasted 3300BC to 1200BC. Because we live in time and space, we use ages to help us track time and put things into neat, little categories. In a roundabout way of speaking, God set these ages up at creation. He created day and night, the sun and the stars to help us keep track of time. He gave us the ability to track ages of time based on the creation he made for us to use. For God, '“ages” don’t mean the same thing. He lives outside of time. An age to us is the blink of an eye to him. He has been since before time existed. He will be long after time ends.

Does the thought of ending ages make you feel anxious? When I think about it, I would be lying if I said I didn’t. We have been given a finite amount of time on this earth. Every year seems to go by faster and faster and we feel less and less in control.

While we just celebrated the ascension of our Savior, he has not abandoned us here to live out our “age”. He is with us. Jesus doesn’t need to be here physically for him to be with us. He is with us in his word and sacraments, He is in control of all things and moves heaven and earth to take care of us every day. He is with us always and will continue to be until every age ends when he comes again. When that day comes, there will be no need to worry about that age ending. We will enjoy the perfect age of heaven with our God who loves us and will always be with us.

“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age”

Matthew 28:20