Lent begins...

The journey of the church year continues as we begin Lent. Ash Wednesday is March 2nd. Starting with Ash Wednesday we will have our Wednesday midweek services. These worship opportunities are different than the Sunday services. We will also continue our tradition of sharing a meal before the services. Come at 5:30pm on Wednesdays for the meal and stay for our 6:30pm worship service.

Lent is the church season that leads into Easter. Traditionally, Lent begins 40 days before Easter, however since every Sunday is a mini-Easter celebration, Sundays are not included in the 40 day count. Lent focuses our attention on the most important events and truths of the Christian faith. We hear our Lord’s call to repent of our sin, and we remember Jesus’ sufferings and death that won our redemption from sin. During most of Lent the color on the altar will be purple, a color of royalty that reminds us of Christ our King who humbled himself for our sake. Purple is also known as the color of repentance.