Devotion: December 2022

Some of you work with animals, specifically farm animals, but they are defenseless creatures. You can imagine what a predator would do to a flock of sheep left unprotected. Being a shepherd isn't really a job anymore in our culture, but it wasn't as easy as you might think. They had to be rugged outdoorsmen who could defend their flock from anything while traveling in the wilderness looking for pastures and watering holes. I'm willing to bet not many things scared them, but I think angels were an exception. Here they were, in the middle of the night doing what they always do, staying on high alert, possibly talking sleeping shifts, and keeping their flocks safe. In an instant an angel appeared to them and God's almighty glory surrounded them. Have you noticed that many times in the bible, when an angel appears to someone they have to say, "Don't be afraid, it's okay, I'm here to bring you some good news!" Angels are literally from out of this world. They are holy, created creatures who would scare you and me too.

Imagine being an angel. As God's messengers, angels are the mouthpieces for God himself, sharing news with his people. Surely in the garden of Eden, the angels heard God's plan for a Savior to come. They didn't know when that day would come, but they stood vigilant, waiting for that day to announce the Savior to the world. Now imagine you're that angel on Christmas night. God comes up to you and says, "Today's the day the Savior, my son, is going to be born and you're going to tell them." You'd be so overwhelmed with joy and excitement you wouldn't be able to stand it. You ask God, "Alright, who do you want me to tell?" God says, "A few shepherds outside of Bethlehem." You sure? That's i

That angel had no questions for God that night. It was the one that was going to tell those shepherds, "Your Savior from sin is here." The moment God's people have been waiting for for thousands and thousands of years is finally here. That angel did exactly what God said to do because everything had to be perfect. And it wa

If only we could have been there that first Christmas night. How incredible that must have been to witness. The angel told the terror-stricken shepherds to turn their fear into joy because the long-promised Messiah from the OT was here. I'm sure the shepherds were a bit confused at first, but they had no more than a second to think about that until heaven opened and more angels than they could count praised God for keeping his promise of a Savior to come. They were waiting just as long as the world was to do their job and proclaim the good news of God and they gave it their all to a few shepherds outside of Bethlehe

The message was given to a few that first night, but you and have that same message now. We remember the day our Savior from sin came to this world to save us. We are filled with that peace the angels proclaimed because God's favor rests on his people. As we prepare to celebrate the coming of our Savior, proclaim that wonderful news in your lives just like those angels, even if it many not seem like the prime audience to do so. Jesus came to save every soul on this earth. May that joy and peace fill your hearts this Christmas season. Merry Christmas! Amen

Pastor Rothfuss