No Soccer Camp and VBS in 2021

The tough decision has been made that St. Paul Clintonville will not host it's annual Soccer Camp and VBS this summer. While we love this event and are always encouraged by the faith of the young participants, but we realize that we may not be able to live up to the expectations from last year. There is a lot going on behind the scenes with our church family right now that is taking a lot of time from the volunteers who run the Soccer Camp and VBS. Last year was so much fun and such a blessing. We are still amazed and thankful at how many came last summer, it was the largest VBS we’ve had! We want to ensure that when we host this event, we give our best to make every part of the event the best we can.

We don't just host VBS to have fun, we have events like this to teach God's love and promises to the children. We will keep creating events to do that. We intend to do another VBS next year. Stay tuned and check with us next summer for the details about next year’s big event!
