On Sunday, July 18th, St. Paul Clintonville held a very special service. Pastor-Elect Caleb Rothfuss was ordained as a minister and installed as pastor at our church. A video of the service is available at the links below.
Sunday July 18 at 3pm Central at St. Paul Clintonville
31 N Park St Clintonville, WI 54929
What should you expect during the service:
The service will be similar to other services since we are approaching the Lord. There will be readings, prayers, and a sermon message. During the service there will be a special part where Pastor-Elect Rothfuss is ordained and installed. Ordained means he officially becomes a Pastor in the church. Installed means he officially becomes the Pastor at our church. Below are the different parts to this special section of the service.
Exhortation to the Pastor-Elect: The role of a pastor is not new. Here we listen to what Scripture tells us the leaders of the church should be like. These qualifications remind us that we fail where Christ has not. Pray for strength for your pastors!
Promises by the Pastor-Elect: St.Paul Clintonville has called a pastor who is united with us in faith and purpose. Hear as Pastor-Elect Rothfuss publicly confesses his faith and his intent to serve this congregation and the larger Church of Christ.
Exhortation to the Congregation: The pastor is a leader, but not a loner. It is fitting to remind all of us how we should treat and support our full-time ministers.
Promises by the Congregation: Here the members of St. Paul are asked to publicly proclaim support and pray for the pastor they have Called.
Ordination and Installation: Pastor will pronounce the ordination following which fellow pastors will continue the ancient tradition of welcoming new pastors by the laying on of hands and by encouraging Pastor Rothfuss with God’s empowering Word.
What can you expect from Pastor-Elect:
We are blessed to receive a Pastor who has studied and prepared for many years to serve as a pastor, and who is in unity with us in our trust in God. The Called Worker training program in our synod does a thorough job. After high school those who want to be pastors study at Martin Luther College in New Ulm, Minnesota. At MLC candidates earn their college degree, but also prepare for the Seminary. They study the Word and they study the languages the Bible is written in. After MLC they train at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, Wisconsin (120 miles south of here). Candidates spend the first 2 years on campus studying the Word in its original languages, along with other spiritual, theological, and professional training needed to enter the pastoral ministry. Their third year is spent as a vicar, an intern under a more experienced pastor. This year gives students deep practical experience and an education they couldn’t get in the classroom alone. Their final year is spent on campus in Mequon again where they continue their studies. Becoming a pastor in our synod is not an easy or quick task. We are blessed to have a candidate who has already shown such great dedication and perseverance toward serving the Lord, and one who we know is united with us in our faith! To God be the glory!
Preparation and training are one thing, but being qualified to be in such an important role is another thing. If you are wondering what qualifies any candidate to serve as a pastor, listen to the audio file below.
If you are wondering what Pastor-Elect’s preaching style is like, well, we’ll just leave this link below. This sermon is well worth a listen (or twelve).