Breathe Friends. Rest in Jesus.

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First of all, how are you doing? Has anyone asked you that recently? There is so much stress over the ever changing atmosphere of our nation because of Covid-19, how to respond to it, racism, vandalism, anti-police movements, reactions to movements, politics, and everyone's opinion that I wonder... have you taken a deep breath recently? 

This past Sunday our Scripture readings reminded us to take a deep breath by resting in God's Word and in the arms of our Savior. 

Is there a lot going on right now? Sure. Are there a lot of things that are upsetting? Yes. Is there more uncertainty than many of us are used to? Yep. But has God's Word gone anywhere? Thankfully, no! Is it any less true? No! Does it apply any less during a stressful time vs. an easy going time? No! If anything it applies even more! And does Jesus get less capable of carrying your burdens because you are struggling more and more to carry them? Absolutely not. He urges us, more, he commands us to cast ALL our anxiety on Him because he cares for us!

Especially when we are stressed, the world is upside down and people are crazy, there is nothing better to do than to rest in Christ. He gives us rest from our sin and guilt, our worry and fear, our controlling and micromanaging. He tells us to breathe... and to take on the easy yoke of wearing his righteousness, reading of what he has done and what the Father has promised, and telling others of how awesome it is to rest in Jesus Christ.

Breathe friends. Rest in Jesus.

“Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30