Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness


This week, as we approach our Independence Day as a nation, I think back to these words from our Declaration of Independence:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

What a beautifully written sentence that finds its source of power in the Creator himself. This is the backbone to what gives each person value in our country, that everyone was created. They were not an accident. They were designed. Therefore, each person has intrinsic value, people of every race, tribe, past and heritage. As Christians, we would add that each person has even more value for not only have they been created, but they have also been justified by Jesus. Jesus died for everyone which means every person was bought at a hefty price. And because Jesus died for their sins, every single person can have the right to eternal life, if they only believe in Jesus as their Savior. 

As a nation, we were founded on this idea of individual value being a reason we would attempt in every way to secure certain unalienable rights to all people. As Christians, we also want to give all people the right to be in heaven by helping them see the Savior who has opened an eternal life, liberty and happiness to all who believe. 

In our nation today, many have forgotten or chosen to throw off that backbone of value that all people derive from a Creator and a Savior. To so many, humans are just a by-product of chance and circumstance. Their value is not intrinsic or equal for we are not made, we are naturally selected or self-made heroes. It is no wonder that we are seeing such unrest, inequality, hate, racism, division, poor priorities, and a lack of value placed on the Word of God and worship in general. Our backbone as to why we are a nation and why we have rights in the first place has disappeared. 

So as we approach the weekend of our Independence Day, let us begin by praying a lot. There is much to ask God for. Let us pray that our nation repents of its rejection of God and a need for his presence in its existence. Let us pray that during such crazy times people search and find the backbone of meaning and value in the one who gives it, our Creator. Let us pray that as evil seems to be growing, may more and more find Jesus, who heals the sick, comforts the weary, and forgives sins. Let us also pray for God to give us the courage and strength to stand firm in God's Word and to share boldly the rights we have as children of God. Those do not come from ourselves but from our Creator and our Savior! This time of unrest and uncertainty may be one of the greatest opportunities of our lifetime to shine brightly in this dark world. Let us not let it pass us by!

May you have a blessed rest of your week and an amazing weekend celebrating our Independence Day, the birthday of our great nation. May this week and weekend also be another chance for you to find value, truth, and pride in your God.

In His service,

Pastor Buelow