Romans Sermon Series


This Sunday we begin a sermon series based on Paul’s doctrinal masterpiece, the book of Romans. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Paul masterfully walks his readers through the ramifications of a biblical worldview. At its center, Paul must first drive home the devastating reality God’s law paints for us, that we are all destined and deserving of eternal damnation. Then and only then, from despair, can he begin to teach us what it means to totally depend on the Righteousness of God. That righteousness can only become ours through faith in Jesus who alone can satisfy the law of God and pay the punishment we deserve. He alone can give us new life. A full awareness of our inability to be good enough allows us to fully trust in the only one who is: Jesus Christ. When we do, nothing can separate us from the love of God. Nothing.


Atonement. Righteousness. Reconciliation. Reversal. Buried. Battling. Longing. Praying. Chosen. Inseparable. Roots. Grafted. Awe. Sacrifice. Love. Freedom.

Join us 9am this Sunday as we begin this exciting new series.