The Week of the Cross

This week started with a bit of trembling, didn't it? I know it did for me. We heard a call from our president last week to brace ourselves for these next two weeks. He said, "I want every American to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead. We're going to go through a very tough two weeks." This is in response to expectations that over these next two weeks, much of the hardest hit areas of America will hit their highest point of infections per day, as well as deaths. It truly is a sad time for our the world, the country, and so many families and loved ones. However, Trump did end that conference with this, "And then hopefully, as the experts are predicting, as I think a lot of us are predicting, after having studied it so hard, we're going to start seeing some real light at the end of the tunnel, but this is going to be a very painful, very, very painful two weeks." Whether you believe in Trump and his team's predictions about the timetable of everything, we are told to expect a light at the end of this corona-virus tunnel. And I think all of us are thinking, "the sooner the better!"

But we don't just have to take Trump's word for it, or the experts word to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We have a much more certain Word to rely on when the darkness presses in. We have the Word of THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. John begins his Gospel by giving us some perspective about Jesus:

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:1-5

When we have Jesus, we know we have the Word of Life that shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot overcome it. It is impossible! Jesus cannot be snuffed out, even when he carries all the sin, the death, and the destruction that so shakes our world and our hearts. Remember that this week is not only a week of virus but it is also a week to celebrate a darker week, the week when Jesus walked to the cross for us. THAT was the darkest week in history... for Jesus carried every evil for us. The light was burdened with every darkness. But the Light was NOT overcome. Easter still comes. The dawn appeared on that third day. The darkness of the world had been buried, but the author of life, the Light of the Word, could not stay dead. For the darkness cannot overcome THE LIGHT.

This week is the week of the cross, for more reasons than one this year. This week we will be suffering with those who suffer. We will be mourning with those who mourn. We will be praying for those who need protection and healing. And in so doing, we will be following Jesus in his path to his cross. But this week and every week will end in a light at the end of the tunnel for those who follow Jesus who has conquered every darkness. He has to. He will. He has already saved us from this. 

As hard as it is to be apart during this Holy Week and we wish we the timing could be different so we could gather together for these special days ahead... let us see the beauty of how Holy Week empowers us during this time. It reminds us that in EVERY dark time, Jesus overcomes. He gives us hope that this chapter, this life, and this reality is not the end, but the beginning of new life in Him. 

But don't take my word for it, hear it from THE WORD himself:

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

Let us pray:

Dear Jesus, be very near to us this week. Help us confess our fear and insecurity to you as we walk this way of the cross with you. Keep us from abandoning you as the way gets difficult and dark. Give us faith to remain near you when our instinct tells us to run and hide. Forgive us for the times we fail, like Peter, to boldly confess that we are with you. Forgive us for the times we flee, like the other disciples. Comfort us most of all with the truth that you are our light, not because of our fire, but because of your life! Because you suffered and died and rose again, we will persevere through every suffering and even death and rise to new life with you. Help us cling to you and you alone, especially when the going gets tough. You are our light at the end of the tunnel, now and forever.

We also ask that you be very near to those who are sick, who are suffering, who are grieving, and who are serving during this dark hour for the world and especially, for our country. Give hope where there is none. Give light where many see only darkness. Give life to the dying. Give eternity to all who look to you. For your mercies sake, Amen.

Some Announcements:

This MAUNDY THURSDAY we will have open hours at church for you to come and receive in person spiritual encouragement, counsel, individual communion, and/or to drop of your offering. Those open hours are from 10am-12pm, 5:30pm-6:30pm, & 7:15-8pm. Please only come if you feel comfortable doing so. Be assured that we will do all in our power to honor the guidelines set forth by our State to protect all who come. 

CHALLENGE you! As a way to remember and honor the command of Maundy Thursday (Maundy means command), "Love one another as I have loved you," and as another way to connect us to one another, I challenge you all this week to love each other by:

  1. Calling someone from church you always talk to when you come. Check in and see how they are doing. Tell them you miss seeing them and Jesus loves them.

  2. Calling someone who you never have talked to at church (or haven't much). Tell them who you are, tell them that Pastor told you to call them (lol), and then ask them if they are doing ok during all of this and you are praying for them. 

  3. Calling someone who does not belong to our church and who you think does not have much hope from their faith or from other family or friends. 

I will not be asking for you to prove that you did this challenge! I am not saying you have to! I do hope, however, that you consider doing this challenge as a way to practice love to others during this time and to give you an active way to practice your faith by sharing it with others who need LIGHT too. Jesus told us to love as he has loved us. When we do, we remember all the more the love HE has for us.

And here is our Holy week Schedule for Online Services:

Maundy Thursday Service- Thursday @ 6:30pm - LIVE on facebook at 6:30pm, Later it will be uploaded on our youtube page and our website. The bulletin will be on the main page of our website.

Good Friday Service - Friday @ 6:30pm - LIVE on facebook at 6:30pm, Later it will be uploaded on our youtube page and our website. The bulletin will be on the main page of our website.

Easter Festival Service - Sunday @ 9am - Premiers on YOUTUBE and our website at 9am.  A link will be provided on Facebook shortly before the service begins as well. Plan on, if possible, to watch it then with your congregation throughout their homes at the same time. We then pray at the same time and sing at the same time, apart, yet together through the Spirit! 

May the Lord bless and keep you this blessed day.

"Do not let your hearts be troubled, Trust in God, trust also in me." - Jesus

In His service,
