Be Still, Wait, Watch

Good morning!

If you were not able to tune in last night on facebook to our Midweek devotion, you can still find it on our facebook page at It is also now uploaded to our youtube page and on our website here: . At that link, you will also find the service bulletin and passion history reading for this week!

I hope that these devotions are helping you still feel connected to your church, to your pastor, and most importantly, to your Savior! It is definitely not the same as being gathered together in person. However, what a blessing it is that the Lord provides a way for us to still hear the same Word, pray together, and "gather" in spirit. 

I also thought I would direct you to an awesome article I read earlier today about three Hebrew words that repeat so often in the Psalms and throughout the Old Testament. Those words tell us to be still, to wait, and to watch. You can find that article here:

May God bless and keep you this day and every day. God is with you.

In His service,
