Resources to Draw Near to Your Savior

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

I hope this message finds all of you well. I am  praying for all of you during this time of waiting and watching! I know I am constantly reminding myself to trust the Lord that this too shall pass and the Lord will use these times to glorify his Name and draw us closer to Him. 

To help you do that, I have assembled a bunch of resources to help you draw closer to your God during this extended time of being at home (click below). Don't be overwhelmed! You don't have to make use of all of these resources. However, I wanted to put them before you so that you could make use of the ones that will work best for you and your families to make part of your daily and weekly routine to dig into the Word and to hear the comfort of your God's promises. 

I pray these will help you stay diligent in remaining close to the source of your faith. Remember that the Devil loves any chance he can get to pull you away from a constant flow of Living Water which you can only get from your God and his Word. For health concerns, our government has asked us to avoid gathering together. Because of that, you have now been separated from a main source of your spiritual health, Sunday Worship with the Body of Christ. While we wait for our chance to return to regular Sunday Worship, watch out that you don't get unhealthy in a much more dangerous way than Covid-19, spiritual starvation. You have a privilege and a responsibility to yourself, your family and to all who need to know the gospel, to keep yourself well-fed with spiritual food. Use the resources below, watch our online services, make use of our office hours (Weds. 10a-12p, 5p-7p) for personal communion and time to meet with your pastor, and/or give me a call or email anytime. Let me know if there is anything else I can do to help you stay healthy in your faith!

Remember what Jesus told his disciples to do: "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." Let us use this time to refocus our lives on the things that matter most, starting first with seeking God and his righteousness that we have already in Christ, and God WILL take care of the rest. Let us trust in Him!  

In His name,
