
With yesterday’s announcement by Gov. Evers of a new order called "Safer at Home," you may be feeling a little more claustrophobic. Maybe you even feel a bit afraid on how long this whole situation will last. Maybe you are worried about the effects this will have on our economy in Wisconsin, including your employment and your way of life. Maybe you are growing more anxious about the virus itself getting closer to home. I have had many of those thoughts running through my head as well. But when we have fear crowding into our thoughts, what must we do? We must return to our God and his Word and we will find comfort.

Today God gave me comfort with these words and I pray they bring comfort to you as well:

But I trust in you, Lord; I say, “You are my God.”My times are in your hands; 

Psalm 31:14-15

I had a dear member today tell me, "You know what I say to my wife every day, Pastor? I tell her that there is only one person who will get us through this and it is not the medical professionals, it is not our government. HE has to see us through and he will." What true words! I was so thankful he said it to me because I needed to hear it said to me. What a beautiful truth this is in uncertain times. Whose hands are we in? We are in the hands of the Lord. He, ultimately, is working behind the scenes to accomplish his good will for the world and especially for his children. He will see us through this. Our times are in his hands. 

So while we listen to what we are being ordered to do for the health of our neighbors, let us also see the hand of God protecting us, reminding us of his presence, urging us to call to him, and hoping we will cling to his promises. 

Remember who you trust in. You trust in the Lord. He will do whatever it takes to save you... especially when the plot thickens!

Some Announcements

With yesterday’s announcement, you may be wondering if we will still have some open office hours today. The answer is yes! Our church is classified under "Essential Businesses and Operations" to which I glorify God! Hearing God's Word and being a community of faith is essential to who we are as Christians and as human beings! I am very glad that this is at least acknowledged in the recent order by Evers and Co.. The applicable sections of the order to prove that exemption are attached so you can read it too if you wish. I double checked!;) 

So today, if you would like to bring in your offerings, pick up your mail and other resources, receive communion, and/or receive some spiritual encouragement or counsel, I will be at church from 10a-12p, 5:30pm-6:30pm and 7-8pm.

We will also be livestreaming a midweek devotion and prayer this evening at 6:30pm if you would like to join us on our facebook page (click on the facebook logo above). That devotion and prayer will also be posted after the fact on this website (under the resources/sermons tab).

May God bless your evening and please, more than anything else, put your hope in God in these uncertain and uneasy times. He will see us through! Our times are in his hands.

In His service,
