Stay Tuned and Stay Rooted

Update for 3/17/2020

How are you? Ok? It has been a crazy couple of days, even couple of weeks already! I am praying for all of you that, during this situation, you are not feeling too overwhelmed or afraid. While there is reason for caution and concern, let us remember that in every situation, we can be at peace because of our Savior. Nothing can take away our faith in a God who is above all things, who uses all things for his good purposes, who knows us intimately, and who loves us more than anyone in this world. He has not abandoned us nor will he. He is a faithful God. He is with you. 

All of that being said, I definitely understand that this is uncharted territory for us and as such, brings with it a lot of stress and anxiety that is new and ... weird. We also have to wrestle with tough questions of how to behave, how to obey, how to worship, how to serve, and how to live. I don't have answers to all those questions but am wrestling with them just like you are right now. In some ways our answers to those questions are harder than those who do not believe... since not only do we have to wrestle with what our authorities are asking us to do (which we should obey!), and what our medical experts are recommending (which is wise for us to apply for good order and assisting in whatever manner possible to serve and protect our neighbor), but we also must wrestle with what God tells us in his Word (and our need to constantly be nourished by that Word and the Sacrament!). We get to practice our confidence in these uncertain times that we don't rely on human wisdom, statistics, and what we can do, but instead our hope that things will be ok ultimately relies solely on our good and merciful God. How can we practice that confidence as a body of believers, as neighbors, as Christians? This is a good question and also a great opportunity!

In response to that question, I hope to send you another email later today to update you on our plans for worship and how to get the Word to you. I am staying up to date with what our Synodical leaders, other pastors, and area groups are doing to respond to our current situation. Later tonight, I will be meeting with our elders and our church president to discuss how we here at St. Paul can best react to this situation with wisdom, obedience to authorities, common sense, medical recommendations, a recognition for our need of God's Word (especially during this time!), and finally a firm confidence in God. 

The one who healed the blind man, who raised Lazarus, who used the evil intentions of wicked men, the corruption of our world, and the filth of the human condition to demonstrate his love, his power, and his victory over sin, death and the devil, will also use this virus and the affect it has had on our country, community and congregation to bless us and to draw us closer to him. He WILL defeat this by-product of a broken world and deliver us from ALL evil. 

From home for now, may all of you find comfort in your God. Take this extra time at home to gather around the Word of God. Families, read the Word and pray together. Everyone, be a calm pillar of hope in this raging storm for the people in your life, not by your power or ability, but by keeping your eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith! 

Here are some prayer requests that you can add to your own: 

  • Please pray for the elderly who are compromised and at high risk of death if infected with the flu or the COVID-19.

  • Please also pray for the health care workers who put it all on the line treating us for our aliments during this crises.

  • Please pray for all our brothers and sisters in Christ, that they remain vigilant and monitor their health.  

  • Please pray for our governing authorities, that they may make wise decisions on how to react to this crisis.

  • Please pray for our communities, that we may band together to serve one another, love one another, and be calm for one another.

  • Please pray that God give you the strength and the confidence YOU need to weather this storm and to carry out your callings.

Again, stay tuned for more updates on our worship plans, other functions, and other opportunities to hear and live the Truth. 

I love you all in Christ Jesus. He is with you always.

In His grace,


P.S. Read this too! vvv

Mark 4:35-41

That day when evening came, he said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” 36 Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. 37 A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. 38 Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”
39 He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.
40 He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”
41 They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”