Psalms for the Season of End Times

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It feels more and more like we are living in the End Times, doesn’t it? Pandemics rage, political leaders rant, fights and violence erupts almost every day, and God’s Word is disregarded and set on the shelf by many. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be overwhelmed. Jesus is coming. Jesus is here.

During the season of End Times, which begins this coming Sunday, we will gather together in worship to reflect on the appointed Psalms for each week. We are acutely aware that the end of time is always getting nearer, so we will direct our eyes to God’s Word to be prepared and even excited for those last days.

On Reformation Sunday (this coming Sunday!), we will remember the importance of being firmly rooted in Scripture. God and his Word are our refuge and strength, a mighty fortress against the forces of evil.

On Last Judgement Sunday, we will read a Psalm actually written by Moses, reminding us that on our own we are dust. Our days are like dandelion puffs blowing away in the wind. In light of that, we’ll be encouraged to “number our days aright,” all while knowing that, in Christ, we are fully prepared for the final judgement.

Saints Triumphant Sunday draws us to the house of the Lord. Our worship together in church here on earth is just a small taste of eternal joy waiting for us in heaven.

This season concludes with Christ the King Sunday. Psalm 47 is a coronation song for a King. We sing and shout for joy that Christ is our king. With all the frustration and fear that often surrounds politics, what peace we have knowing that the king of the universe is still in control!

Join us in person or live online on our facebook or youtube page beginning this Sunday for our series:

Psalms for the Season of End Times:

November 1 – Reformation – Psalm 46

November 8 – Last Judgement - Psalm 90

November 15 – Saints Triumphant – Psalm 84

November 22 – Christ the King - Psalm 47

God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble! Let us not forget that.

God bless and keep you.

- Pastor Titus Buelow