Wow, it is here already! This week a lot of us will put on our red, white, and blue to go watch fireworks. We love the Fourth of July! This week we celebrate the good things about our nation, especially the many freedoms we enjoy. Freedom in America is great, but an even greater freedom is ours through the love of our God. Take a moment to read through the responsive prayer we will be using this coming Sunday to honor Independence Day. Ponder God’s grace to us. Rejoice for the freedom we have to know and share God’s love here in America. Pray for our nation, like all things this side of Heaven, it is imperfect.
Prayer of the Church
M: Redeemer of the World, you once came on a rescue mission to deliver the human race from bondage to sin, death, and the devil.
C: In you alone can true freedom be found.
M: Your blood bought our freedom. Our souls are no longer slaves to sin, and death is not our master. But you have not promised us an earthly life free from danger or oppression.
C: You have promised to give us the strength to overcome Satan and his allies.
You have assured us that the Crown of Life is waiting for all who put their trust in you.
M: And, Lord, you have added to this blessing. You have allowed us to live in a country that gives us the freedom to serve and worship you without hindrance. Our laws grant us personal freedoms that so many of the people of this world do not have. Our nation’s law enforcement officers and our nation’s military personnel stand behind those laws and defend those freedoms.
C: We thank you for these undeserved gifts, and we ask that you preserve these freedoms for our children, and their children’s children.
M: Do not let our indifference or negligence forfeit these gifts. Do not let us forget that these freedoms come not as the result of our wisdom or strength, but only from your gracious hand.
C: Jesus, you once said that those whom the Son makes free are free indeed.
Keep us in this freedom no matter what may be taking place in our life, or the world around us.
M: We thank you, Lord for our country. Hold it always in the palm of your hand.
C: We thank you Lord for freedom. Amen.
Source: WELS Commission on Special Ministries