We Return to North Park This Sunday - Sept. 2nd!

Greetings brothers and sisters,

"Come and see what the Lord has done." Psalm 46:8

I'm sorry for the late announcement for where we will be worshiping but we wanted to be absolutely sure before sharing this exciting news:


Aside for some small behind the scene things upstairs, the sanctuary, bathrooms and narthex are finished and ready for us to return and to use it for its purpose, the proclamation of the gospel to sinners like you and me! I'm sure we will all be saying extra prayers of thanks and praise to God for this tremendous blessing to us and to those who will hear the good news of Jesus within its walls. The basement is off limits at this point due to some work still needing to be done down there.

On another note, if you are able, we need to do a round of cleaning upstairs now that it is finished. We also need to unload our truck of storage back into the building and wherever else things need to go so we can return the vehicle to goodwill. PLEASE COME AT 8AM THIS SATURDAY IF ABLE TO HELP MAKE FINAL PREPARATIONS FOR OUR RETURN.

Thank you all for your patience, your support to our project and our ministry, and your excitement for the proclamation of the Word of God! I can't wait to see you all in God's house.

"Come and see the works of God; how awesome are His deeds toward mankind." Psalm 66:5

In His service,
