What is your favorite week of the year? Maybe it is the week of your birthday. Maybe it is the week leading up to and including Christmas because of all the festivities, the gifts, the food, and the family time! Maybe it is the first week of summer vacation after a long year of school. Those are all great weeks! However, I hope you also love this most amazing week of the year: Holy Week.
Holy Week for us is when we remember the last week of Jesus' life, beginning when he rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, and ending with him rising from the dead on Easter Sunday. During that week so much happened that there is simply no way we could only get together at our normal Sunday times here at St. Paul. We also have a Maundy Thursday service to remember the Last Supper, Jesus washing his disciples feet, the garden of Gethsemane, and so much more. We also gather together on Good Friday to hear Jesus' seven last statements from the cross as he died for us. This week is the MOST amazing week of the year for me and for many because it is the week Jesus saved us all. This was the week when it was finished, the work for our salvation. Jesus did it all and then he burst from the tomb and declared victory over sin, death and the devil. That victory belongs not only to him, but to all who put their trust in him.
If Holy Week has never been a big week for you or your family before or it has been awhile since you thought about it like this, I pray that you join us this week. We are very excited about Holy Week at St. Paul and we have some amazing services planned to remember what our Savior did for us.
Here is our schedule for Holy Week:
- Maundy Thursday Communion Service - Jesus' Last Will & Testament - 6:30pm
- Good Friday Tenebrae Service - Seven Words from the Cross - 6:30pm
- Easter Sunday - Breakfast begins @ 7:30am
- Easter Sunday - Resurrection Festival Service - 9am
I hope you continue to have amazing weeks throughout the year that you look forward to and enjoy! However, this is what I hope (and pray for) most of all: Holy Week is and continues to be the MOST amazing week of the year for you as you hear from God's Word what Jesus has done for you. I hope to see you later this week!
Pastor Titus Buelow