Let's face it, we have extremely busy lives and we so often forget the things that really matter. When we do, we also forget the ONE who can help us deal with all the pressure and stress of each day and who also can point us confidently to our sure future in heaven.
That is the reason Lent is such an awesome opportunity to refocus our lives around Jesus and what he has done for us. Without him, everything else in our life falls apart. Lent is a special time, not for us to prove our commitment to God, but for us to meditate on the awesome price Jesus came to pay for our redemption.
To help us do that, we have midweek suppers to fill our bellies (one less meal to prepare at home!) with wonderful food. After supper, we have midweek Services to fill your soul with Word of God and God's beautiful promises fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Through him, we are forgiven, restored to God's family, and renewed daily for our everyday life.
Join us Wednesdays throughout Lent (Mar 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Apr 5) for Supper at 5:30pm and Worship at 6:30pm!
During Holy Week, join us on Maundy Thursday for worship at 6:30pm and Good Friday at 6:30pm as well!
God will bless you through the time you spend with him in his Word!