For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9
Focused on God’s Word
The Bible is God’s Word and the basis for all we do as a church family. We trust God’s true, inerrant, and holy Word. Through it, we see the big picture. God is holy, we are not. Out of His pure love, God sent His Son, Jesus Christ to live among us and to be the sacrifice that makes us right with God. This is at the heart of what we preach, teach, sing, and say. If you are looking for our affiliation, we are confessional Lutherans that are part of the WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod)
Join Us for Worship
Visit us Sundays at 9am for worship. After the service there are snacks and some social time. Nearly every Sundays we have a Bible study afterward the service. Sunday School meets September through May. Our services are livestreamed and archived on our YouTube page.
Yes, We have Potlucks
While not our focus, we do create opportunities to gather outside of the worship services. We know the importance of being a church family and encouraging one another in faith.
Find Us
Located just off of Main Street in Clintonville, Wisconsin. For over 50 years we have gathered here and have been part of the community. In 2018 we renovated and expanded the main building, adding more space to gather and letting more natural light into our worship space.